Drug Education for teens: Inhalants

1100-68, 23 minutes, 2004 It’s tragic but true: sniffing readily-available household products kill. Inhalants explains the dangers of breathing in toxic substances with animations and graphics that illustrate what happens to the brain and body when exposed to poisons. Request

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Messing with Heads: Marijuana and Mental Illness

#1100-67, 46 minutes, 2005 This program explores new research into another link – between marijuana and mental illness, specifically schizophrenia and paranoid psychosis. This program delves into the frightening effects of THC on young brains: psychotic delusions and behavior that may not appear until years after drug abuse has ended....

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METH DEATH: A demon in the land

#1100-65, 31 minutes, 1998 Excellent for training staff and development as well as for prevention and treatment audiences, this program clearly details for viewers some of the extreme characteristics of meth use/abuse and their very destructive consequences on the real lives of all those involved. Request

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DEATH BY JIB: The dangers of crystal meth

#1100-64, 19 minutes, 2005 Crystal meth is a highly addictive and dangerous drug that is devastating to individuals, families and communities. Turning youth away from ever trying the drug is the ultimate hope of prevention efforts. This graphic video pulls no punches as teen addicts describe the horror of addiction...

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#1100-63, 30 minutes, 2005 This video separates the facts from fiction about meth treatment. The unscripted words of men and women who have experienced meth addiction are achingly honest. Clinicians from the Matrix Institute, renowned for research of stimulants treatment, present clinical concepts in an easy-to-understand and engaging manner. For...

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#1100-62, 28 minutes, 2001 The nightmare of methamphetamine abuse comes through “crystal” clear, as a former addict tells of the serious physical, emotional and social consequences he suffered from using the drugs. Medical and law enforcement personnel graphically outline the future of the “crystal” abuser- a downward spiral that can...

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#1100-61, 34 minutes, 2004 Methamphetamine, also known as speed, ice, crystal and meth, is a highly addictive drug. It allows the user to stay awake for long periods, reduces appetite and keeps the user “high” for a relatively long time. It also is extremely dangerous with potentially lethal short-term and...

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#1100-60, 23 minutes, 2001 Three young addicts are interviewed about their drug use. They discuss what led up to their use, their experience with losing control, treatment, relapse and finally getting clean. This video also lists the warning signs, the effects on a person, and the addiction. Request

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CLUB DRUGS: When the party is over

#1100-59, 30 minutes, 2003 Here are six young addicts who could not imagine life without club drugs- at least not a life they would want to live. Ectasy, LSD, methamphetamines, GHB, ketamine, Rohypnol,- the good times came with drugs. In this powerful video, the tragic, firsthand accounts of the depths...

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SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Risks and Responsibilities

Preventing Drug Abuse #1100-58, 30 minutes, 2001 Recent statistics from the DEA indicate that approximately one in ten children of ages 12 through 17 is currently using illicit drugs. This program investigates the ever-growing demand in the United States for illegal drugs, with a special focus on heroin, crack cocaine,...

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