Co-Dependence: The Joy of Recovery
800-7, 36 minutes, 1990 Helping professionals learn how to educate clients about co-dependence–what it is, how it works in people’s lives, and what they can do about it. Request
800-7, 36 minutes, 1990 Helping professionals learn how to educate clients about co-dependence–what it is, how it works in people’s lives, and what they can do about it. Request
800-6, 24 minute, 1998 Claudia Black presents three particular areas that greatly impact the family: Powerlessness, Unmanageability, and Tough Love. She also uses pictures drawn by young family members to illustrate how the addiction has impacted the family and interactive graphics that underline specific points of her presentation. Request
#800-4, 30 minutes Melodie Beattie guides viewers though a series of dramatizations that illustrate examples of co-dependency. In this program the lives of three people – a businessman, his wife, and his assistant are used to illustrate the classic co-dependent tendencies. Request
800-8, 50 minutes Finding balance between caring for others and caring for yourself is the key to healthy relationships. In this video, Melody Beattie offers realistic suggestions for learning how to affirm and nurture yourself. Request
#800-1, 45 minutes Canadian Learning Company Knowledgeable drug and alcohol professionals agree that the differences between male and female co-dependent recovery frequently arise from the female’s traditional role in society as mother and wife. In this role, she is usually characterized by subordination and dependence, causing self-esteem problems which so...