Healthy Sexual Relationships in Recovery
2300-43, 110 minutes, 2016 This film offers advice from experts who address three distinct areas: physical sexual health, mental sexual health and abuse. Request
2300-43, 110 minutes, 2016 This film offers advice from experts who address three distinct areas: physical sexual health, mental sexual health and abuse. Request
2400-12, 18 minutes, 2012 The Digital Blackout DVD tells the story of a school that conducted an experiment, challenging their student body and faculty to stow the social media and record their experiences. The Digital Blackout is eye-opening. Digital Blackout Request
3700-10, 22 minutes, 1993 This program dramatizes the excuses violent offenders use to justify their behavior. Viewers are also shown how often violence has a direct correlation to substance abuse. Scenarios demonstrate the thinking patterns that commonly lead to violence, while explaining how to analyze those patterns and find alternatives to...
3700-13, 45 minutes, 2009 This video was developed for male clients who are dealing with alcohol or other drug addiction. Request
3700-14, 32 minutes, 2002, This film provided you with a powerful, cognitive-behavioral treatment program for chemically dependent male offenders. Request
1100-91, 20 minutes, 2017 CANDIS is an evidence-based, abstinence-oriented treatment program that focuses on three main objectives for participants: to realize problematic cannabis use, to participate in treatment, and to abstain from use by using relapse prevention skills. Request
6 hours total, 2007 500-30 disc 1, 500-31 disc 2, 500-32 disc 3, 500-33 disc 4 Several of the nation’s leading experts on drug and alcohol addiction, together with a group of accomplished filmmakers, have assembled to create ADDICTION, an unprecedented documentary aimed at helping people understand addiction as a treatable brain disease....
The film uses the testimony of young addicts, as well as resilient youth, who have developed good coping skills, and the information of experts in the field of addiction research and that contribute to addictions both to substances and behaviors, and the life skills necessary to avoid or escape an...
The film uses the testimony of young addicts, as well as resilient youth, who have developed good coping skills, and the information of experts in the field of addiction research and that contribute to addictions both to substances and behaviors, and the life skills necessary to avoid or escape an...
The film uses the testimony of young addicts, as well as resilient youth, who have developed good coping skills, and the information of experts in the field of addiction research and that contribute to addictions both to substances and behaviors, and the life skills necessary to avoid or escape an...