3300-12, 21 minutes, This video is designed to help educators offer the guidance young teens need to handle grief in a positive way by talking about it and reaching an understanding that their feelings are normal, that they are not alone, and that time will help them heal. Accompanied with...

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#3600-12, 20 minutes, 1993 Don’t pick on me provides a basis for generating discussion on such issues as whether adults can help, and how kids can help each other. The program is designed to spur discussion around open-ended questions at the end of both part 1 and part 2. Each...

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First Contact

2000-90, 3 parts 45 min each, 2018 Six non-Indigenous Canadians, all of whom have some degree of hostility towards Indigenous people, are immersed into different communities over a 28-day journey across the country. First Contact   Request

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A Requiem for the Canadian Dream

3400-13, 11 minutes, 2016 This short documentary explores the history and impact of the Canadian residential school system through a collection of interviews with some of Canada’s most influential Indigenous leaders. It provides valuable insights into the Canadian residential school system experience and shines a light into this dark chapter...

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Recovery & Forgiveness

2300-37, 46 minutes, 1997 Father Martin shares his thoughts on forgiveness and its importance in resolving guilt. Individuals in recovery are faced with the challenges of forgiving others and learning to forgive themselves.   Request

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Alcohol and the developing brain

400-43, 22 minutes, 2018 This program focuses on the effects of alcohol on the still-developing adolescent and young adult brain. It then focuses the risks of alcohol abuse on different parts of the still developing brain and how alcohol affects decision-making, coordination, memory and risks of binge drinking. Request

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#200-25, 22 minutes Animated. This video helps kids understand the nature of anger and violent emotions and offers positive alternatives. They’ll learn why anger is something they can control, positive ways to vent their angry feelings, and much more. Great, there are other adults who are ready, willing and able...

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